250-870-6788 (Cell – text or phone)
I am focused on being here for you, to guide you and create your wedding ceremony exactly as YOU desire.
I am a an Ordained Minister licensed to perform marriage ceremonies in the Province of British Columbia.
I believe any two people, regardless of gender or beliefs, who love and respect one another, are entitled to be joined in holy matrimony and create a loving home together.
I offer 3 separate ceremony packages for you to choose from:
• $600 Enhanced Ceremony
• $400 Standard Ceremony
• $200 Legal Ceremony
Please go to my website to get more information and decide which one is best for YOU.
If you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 250-870-6788.
As well as a Wedding Officiant, I offer the following services and you can get more information on them at
All fees are negotiable and can be adjusted according to your ability to pay.
• Baby Blessing – Fee $250
• Celebration of Life – Fee $250
• End of Life Transition – Fee $250
• Counselling – Individual, family, group, couples, life issues, stress, grief, relationships, etc.
o Fees
• Family/Group session rate for 3 or more on same day and time. $45.00 per person per 60 minute session
• Individual rate (1 person). $60 for each 30 minute session.
• Couples rate for 2 people on the same day and time. $90.00 for each 30 minute session.

Our team:
The Aspen Team delivers a results-oriented and client-focussed approach to our land development and economic development consultancy. Specialists in Rural Dividend Fund Initiatives: Lands Evaluation, Design, Planning, Site Plans, Costing and Development Consulting.
Our history:
The Aspen Team brings 20 years of consulting land development, assessment, design and approvals experience to bear in realizing the potential of underdeveloped lands. Since 2012 our Team has specialized in Rural Municipality Economic Development through Lands Showcases.
Our mission:
The Aspen Team leverages our expertise and the capabilities of our partners in Driving Growth & Economic Development of Underutilized Land Resources through Positioning & Promotion.